Written by Sis. Renee Edwards
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven””
As the sun sets, the world turns and the tides ebb and flow, so are the seasons of change etched into the cosmic design of God’s grand masterpiece. There is something that’s mystifyingly special about seasons. Whether it's defined as the four periods of which a year is divided or the phases of life that transition to different stages, occurrences, and changes, there is no doubt that all are intentional and God’s influence should be acknowledged.
Just as the seasons change where the leaves move from green to red and the wind from warm to cool, so do we embark on transitional journeys that takes us through different changes in life. Our lives are similar to changing seasons. Sometimes we go through a barren winter where the nights seem longer and darkness seem to be our only source. The silence is deafening and in this season of hibernation, life seems purposeless and lonely. These are the times of lack, suffering and waiting. It is in this season that we either become introspective and build a closer relationship with God or get disconnected and throw in the towel. The instabilities in our lives are natural like that of Winter and facing them is inevitable.
Each season of change adds to character development. We learn to adapt, survive, accommodate as well appreciate. Whether it’s the hope and optimism that we feel when we see a rainbow after a rainfall or the happiness and excitement that comes with sunshine in the summer, there are undoubtedly hidden pockets of wisdom tucked away in each gust of wind.
In the book of Genesis we read about the story of Joseph. We see how instrumental the actions of Joseph’s siblings were and how it allowed God to fulfill his covenant and his promise through a rejected but royal seed. Joseph’s season of winter was in that pit and it continued when he was bought as a slave and then thrown into prison. We then start to see a change in climate, a “projected meteorological shift” when he then found favor even while he was in prison. This shows us that God can cause you to thrive in a toxic environment to activate your season of change. Joseph was hated by his siblings, taken from his family and brought to a strange land not knowing that this was a catalyst to him being a lineage of royalty. Imagine being sold by your very own! Imagine feeding your enemies! What a blessing.
There is an old adage that states “Opportunity is often missed as it dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Many of us miss out on transitional seasons in our lives because we fail to capitalize on the opportunities presented. Joseph realized that his gift as a dreamer and interpreter was the route to his destiny. He could have adapted to his surroundings and become a casualty of his environment but even in his lowly estate, he had the courage to rise above the status quo and maintain his spiritual integrity. In Joseph’s story we see that just as Christ he was first humbled then exalted. Many of us as Christians go through seasons of tragedy, trauma and suffering. It is often in those moments that we are brought to our knees and are positioned to cry out to God in prayer.
Change can be scary. The fear of the unknown is gut wrenching. As we venture through this journey of life, always remember that God has equipped us with the tools that are required for each season. We have heard many times that “the waiting room is not a punishment”. Whilst waiting for the seasons to change, let us make the preparations for what is ahead trusting that our father in heaven will guide us through each passing seasons of change.