The Power of the Mind: Protecting What God Has Given Us

Written by Sis. Alesha Shakespeare

The mind—the element of a person that enables us to be aware of the world, to think, and to feel—is central to how we experience life. In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” This verse reminds us that as we grow, so should our way of thinking.

Did you know that within each of us is a very powerful organ? It’s the brain, the central processing unit of the body’s nervous system. This organ drives everything we do, from the smallest tasks to the most complex thoughts and decisions. The brain is vital not only to our physical body but also to our consciousness, emotions, and will.

It’s no coincidence that Paul urges us in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” The renewal of the mind is a central part of our Christian walk. In this world, we’re constantly surrounded by distractions—through the media, the people we associate with, and the environments we’re in. If we aren’t careful, these influences can slowly corrupt our minds and lead us away from the purity God desires for us.

It’s important to reflect on your own life. Ask yourself, “Am I growing and glowing, or am I snoozing and losing?” The first step in renewing our minds is to be aware of how we’re growing. We must take time to analyze our lives—our habits, thoughts, and choices. Are there patterns in your life that are either building you up or breaking you down? Our mind can either make us or break us, so we must pay attention to what we allow to influence us.

As Paul emphasizes in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” We must stay vigilant, protecting our minds from negative influences and spiritual attacks that can lead us astray. Without being conscious of what we’re allowing into our minds, it’s easy to drift away from God’s path for our lives.

As we step into a new year, many people set resolutions for self-improvement—whether it’s changing their diet, exercising more, or picking up a new hobby. But as Christians, our primary resolution should be to strengthen our relationship with God. Whether through prayer, fasting, or consistently reading His Word, we grow and become more like Christ. By doing so, we begin to bear the fruits of the Spirit, as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

We also become more aware of our purpose in God’s kingdom. Just as the brain is part of the vast system of the body, so are we an integral part of the body of Christ. In life, we may be juggling many responsibilities, but we must always remember that God is the author and the finisher of our story. It’s essential to set aside time each day to seek Him through prayer and the reading of His Word.

Reading Scripture is a powerful way to transform our thinking and our perception of the world. As we dive deeper into His truth, our minds are renewed, and we begin to align more closely with God’s will for our lives.

Let’s commit to protecting and renewing our minds in this new year. As we do, we will grow stronger in our faith, bear the fruits of the Spirit, and fulfill our purpose in Christ.

God Bless you all!

Embracing Accountability in 2025: A New Year's Challenge

By: Missionary Bruce

As we step into the new year, 2025, many of us are eager to embrace the promise of fresh beginnings. It's a time to reset, to revisit resolutions, and to start new habits. But as I sit here reflecting on how to encourage God’s people in this new season, one word keeps coming to mind: Accountability.

This word has been on my heart for some time, and I believe it’s a key focus that can propel us forward as we walk in faith. For the past two years, my husband, Minister Benjamin Bruce, and I have started a tradition of choosing a guiding word for the year. In 2023, we focused on being Intentional, and in 2024, our word was Consistency. These words have helped us stay focused, reflect on our growth, and identify areas for improvement. This simple practice has been so impactful in our own journey that I wanted to share it with you as well.

As we enter 2025, I’ve chosen the word Accountability to guide my walk with God. I believe it is a powerful concept, especially as we reflect on our spiritual journey and personal growth.

Why Accountability Matters

In a world full of distractions and external pressures, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance of holding ourselves accountable to God, to His Word, and to the calling He has placed on our lives. But accountability isn't just about external monitoring—it's about internal responsibility. It’s about looking honestly at our choices, our actions, and our attitudes. As we move into this new year, let’s make it a priority to live lives that reflect accountability before God.

Let me share three key scriptures that highlight the importance of personal accountability:

1. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God”
— Romans 14:12

This powerful verse reminds us that each of us will one day stand before God to give an account of how we lived our lives. Our actions, words, and choices will be laid before Him. This should inspire us to live with integrity, striving to honor God in all that we do. Accountability means taking ownership of our lives—not just our successes, but also our failures—and trusting that God will guide us as we seek to live in alignment with His will.

2. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
— Luke 6:41

It’s easy to see the faults in others and become critical of their shortcomings, but Jesus calls us to first examine ourselves. This is a call to self-reflection. We need to look inward before we point fingers outward. Ask yourself: What areas of my life am I neglecting or allowing to remain unchecked? What is holding me back from living fully in God's purpose? Accountability starts with honest self-reflection and a willingness to confront the areas in our lives that need change.

3. But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
— James 1:22

We hear the Word of God in many forms—through sermons, songs, and scriptures. Yet, how often do we fail to act on what we hear? Accountability requires action. It’s not enough to simply listen; we must do. If there is something God has placed on your heart to do, whether it’s forgiving someone, stepping out in faith, or making a positive change in your life, don’t wait. Take action now. When we fail to act on God’s Word, we miss out on the fullness of His promises. This year, let’s challenge ourselves to be doers of the Word, not just hearers.

Accountability starts with Self-Love

One of the most overlooked aspects of accountability is learning to love yourself. You can’t effectively love others or hold yourself accountable if you don’t recognize your own worth. The enemy loves to exploit our insecurities and create doubt, but we are children of a mighty God, a royal priesthood. When we understand who we are in Christ, we are empowered to love ourselves and, in turn, love others with grace and compassion.

Take time this year to reflect on your identity in Christ. Spend quiet moments with God, without distractions, to better understand who He has created you to be. Seek healing where there are wounds, and seek help where there is trauma. Whether through counseling or spiritual guidance, remember that God desires wholeness for you. The more we heal and grow internally, the more we will reflect that love to those around us.

Reflect, Take Action, and Trust God

As we move forward into 2025, let us take a moment to reflect on our personal accountability. Consider the things God has called you to do but have yet to act on. What areas in your life do you need to bring before God and seek His guidance? Accountability is not about perfection; it’s about growth. It’s about making a commitment to take responsibility for our lives, to trust in God’s grace, and to align ourselves with His will.

At the end of the day, we will all stand before God and give an account of our lives. Let’s make this year count by living intentionally, being consistent in our faith, and holding ourselves accountable to the calling God has placed on our lives.

May 2025 be a year of growth, transformation, and spiritual breakthrough. Let us rise to the challenge, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

God bless you all, and may you experience His peace, joy, and purpose in this new year!

Fresh Scent of Spring

Written by Sis. Zoe Howell

There are four divisions of the year, marked by daylight hours and distinct weather patterns, as a result of the Earth’s position as it changes with regard to the sun. These are known as “seasons” - Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring.


We all experience different seasons as children of God. It is a part of what we signed up for when we took on His name. The book of Ecclesiastes and chapter 3 states, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”. Let us be reminded that God orchestrated the seasons of the Earth as well as the seasons in our lives. The question is, how do we manage our seasons? Do we pray in our seasons? Do we trust God in our seasons? Do we take a leap of faith while living through our seasons?


SUMMER- At this time of the year, the weather is warmer than usual and the heat translates to drier temperatures. This is when droughts take place and also when you might feel the effects of increased humidity. While on this journey of salvation, we will experience periods in our lives when there is only drought. There will be times when it seems as if our summer is never ending. However, we MUST go through our season, irrespective of the heat we might face. Once we conquer, we will be rewarded.


FALL - During this season, the days become shorter as there is less sunlight. The leaves change into various colors. The landscapes create an attractive scenery. As beautiful as it may seem, the trees will begin to shed their leaves. This is also when plants will cease to make food. Many animals begin preparing for the months ahead. While in our season of Fall, we have to be vigilant and steadfast, using our spiritual eyes and praying without ceasing, as we prepare for the new season ahead!


WINTER- This season brings precipitation (weather where something falls from the sky), mainly snow or rain, determined by the region’s climate. During this season, the trees are bare and no flowers are in sight. The sun rarely ever shines and the nights are fifteen hours long - darkness becomes the norm; not to mention the freezing temperatures. Have you ever felt like your winter is everlasting? Like no flowers will bloom and it’s taking forever for your sun to shine? If you have, then you should know that there is a new season that awaits you.


SPRING - After yearning for a change, we have now entered a new season! Our current season consists of restoration, growth and new beginnings. Our flowers will bloom and there will be the budding of trees! Dormant plants will begin to grow again and new seeds will shoot up out of the ground! Let us continue to position ourselves for this fresh scent of Spring, while giving God the glory in the midst of it all! God bless you.

The Trademark of Love

Written by Sis. Donna Thomas-Morris

“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4: 7-8  

Love is such an important thing to have as a follower of Christ. Jesus stated that there is one way people will know whether we belong to him or not, and that is our love for one another. Love is the trademark, the distinguishing sign or characteristic, of a Christian. It is what sets us apart from the rest of the world.

Before you buy something, do you read labels or look for certain trademarks (brands names) that have a reputation for being good? As a Christian, people should be able to do the same thing with us because we are disciples of Christ. They should be able to look at us and say: “This is a person of quality.” People should be able to identify us not only by our talk, but also by the way we walk.

The people of this world are looking for something to believe in, something authentic, something tangible, they are searching for love and God is love. Those of us who are Christians need to show them Jesus.  We do this not by only wearing Christian jewelry or putting bumper stickers with Christian messages  on our cars, but by walking in love and demonstrating that love to others.

Unfortunately, many people have gone to church looking for God and instead have been met with only the rules and regulations of religion, and not even so much as a friendly smile. They left without encountering the love of God from his servants. Many people are hungry for God, and needs us to be his ambassador, representing him in every way, starting with his trademark characteristic which is “LOVE.”

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’ stead, be ye reconciled to God.” - 2 Corinthians 5: 20

Paul reminds us that we are God’s representative here on earth, representing truth and light in a world of darkness. I just want to remind you that it is important to display the character of love to everyone that you meet so that they can see your light and get to know him as well.

The ultimate example of love is found in John 3:16:
“For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

God bless you all!

A Time to Receive

Written by Sis. Alesha Shakespeare

In December, many are focused on one special day. This day is called Christmas. Christmas is a holiday which focuses on coming together as a family and/or friends waiting to give and receive. Many will reflect and review the relationships they have with one another, leading to an expectation to wonder, what shall they receive on this special Holiday?

With that being said,

Are you ready to receive?

As children of God, we are familiar with the saying: “you reap what you sow.” In Galatians 6:7-8 NIV, it states “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

Have you taken time to look back on your relationship with Christ? 

Just as we reflect our personal relationships with our family members, we must do the same with our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If not, how shall we receive all that he has to offer? Remember, “he is a rewarder to those who diligently seek him.” (Hebrew 11:6)

Being diligent is “having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.”

In order to be rewarded we must take great pride in our relationship with Christ. He reminds us in Revelations, “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Revelation 22:12 NIV)

Throughout this holiday season, take time to look back on your walk with Christ as well as how you are representing yourself as an advocate for him. We may not be perfect on this path but never forget, the Lord called sinners to repentance (Luke 5: 32).

Continue to keep Christ first and in the midst of all that you do and you shall surely receive the gifts he has to offer!

Have a happy Christmas!
The Lord Jesus Christ bless you all!

Joy to the World-A reason to give Thanks

Written by Missionary Bruce

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”-Luke 2:10

Thanksgiving is around the corner where we take a moment to be grateful for all the things that Jesus has done for us. As we head into the holiday season, it is best to keep a heart of gratitude. The scripture declares in John 16: 33: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Jesus is reminding us that there will be times when we will go through unpleasant things and feel troubled. However, He also went through great tribulations that lead to His sacrifice for the world. With this sacrifice, we have access to all of the wonderful gifts and talents that he gives to us. It is important to remain in joy despite your circumstances. Below reminds us on a few things to keep in mind in order to remain in the Spirit of joy.

‘J’ - is for Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

The fruit of the Spirit includes joy which is something that the Holy Spirit will give to you when you are walking in the Spirit. The Spirit of joy is a feeling that remains in you even when things around you may seem to be falling apart. Standing on the promises of God will give you all of the strength you need to get through the day. Just thinking about the goodness of God and what he has done for us gives us the desire to sing praises on to him, to worship him, and to testify of his goodness. The Spirit of joy will allow us to love our neighbor as ourselves. It gives us the strength to get through the day. Focusing on the Word of God, will ignite us with the passion and drive to be the light of the world that God urges us to be in the bible.

Keep shining as you continue to bask in the joy of the Lord!

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
— Proverbs 17:22

‘O’ - is for Optimism - Hopeful and confident about the future.

As a believer in Christ, optimism is very important. When you are walking with Christ, we must understand that he is the author and the finisher of our faith who wants the best for us. We must recognize the positives in every situation in order to remain in hope. The scripture reminds us that a merry heart is like medicine, it heals our wounds. Let us try our best to be of a merry heart and confident that the Lord will take us into the best path. Continue to fast, pray, and read the Word, and you will see the power of God manifest in the flesh.

Knowing that God will always look out for you allows your heart to receive the blessings that he has in store for you!

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteous: and all these things shall be added unto you
— Matthew 6:33

‘Y’ - is for yearning - A feeling of intense longing for something.

As we strive to remain in the spirit of Joy, we must remember the importance of constantly seeking after the things of God and his righteousness. In order for us to reap the benefits of walking with God, we must build a relationship with him. We must constantly strive to be obedient to his Word. Abraham’s relationship with God was due to his desire to be close to him and to listen to the instructions that he had for him. Although Abraham and Sarah had to wait so long for the promises of God to be fulfilled, he did not allow his desires to derail him from his ability to serve God in Spirit and in Truth.

Continue to seek his face daily and watch things in your life unfold!

Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let Earth receive her King! Remember to remain in the Spirit of joy, be optimistic in all things, and continue to yearn for the will of God to take full control over your life.

God Bless you all!


A Message for the Men

Written by Sis. Alesha Shakespeare

Let him lead

We are currently in the month of March. Whereas as a church body, the men are leading the church services in praise, worship, and teachings of God's Word.

Before we move on any further, answer this question - What does Leadership look like to you?

A leader is defined as: “the person who leads or commands a group, organization or country.”

According to Proverbs 16:12, “Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kinds; sound leadership has a moral foundation.” What is that Moral foundation some may ask? Well, that moral foundation is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Psalms 106:3 mentions “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!”

As children of God, we are meant to be separated from worldly attributes.

Believe it or not - walking in the way of the Lord will surely draw attention to you. Remember, the way you live represents who you serve.

Moreover, we all serve the true and righteous King - Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

He who left the comforter for us to help us on this path.

On This path we may face ups and downs. Even though it may be hard, just remember  James 1: 2 states to “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds”. When we go through trials it is meant to build you up and transform you. Just keep your eyes on the Lord and you will be amazed on how life will change for you.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away”

Keep in mind no matter where you go the Lord is with you. He knows the desires of your heart and what is best for you. Keep on standing on the solid foundation he prepared for you. Build a relationship by praying without ceasing according to Thessalonians 5:17.

Seek God in fasting so he can give you direction. “So we fasted and implored our God for this, and he listened to our entreaty.” (Ezra 8:23) It is important to read his Word to know how the Holy Spirit speaks. As well as to gain knowledge and understanding.

This Great Leader of ours is one that will never leave nor forsake us. The one who will transform you into a new individual and make a pathway for you. By following His lead, you can lead many into his kingdom. Following Him, can lead you into many victories even through disappointments. “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57)

Being a representation of Christ is not always easy, but it is worth it!


What is LOVE?

Written by Sis. Zoe Stewart

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easilty provoked, thinketh no evil
— 1 Corinthians 13: 4-5

Love - /ləv/ - a four letter word that has been mentioned 361 times in the Kings James Version of the Holy Bible.

This term may be used as a verb or a noun. Being defined as a verb, it means to take great pleasure in something or someone. Being used as a noun, it can be defined as an intense feeling of deep affection. Why is the word “love” so important that it was utilized numerous times in the most important book in the world?

As Christians, we hear the saying “God is love” ever so often. We also have knowledge of the fact that Christ made us in the likeness of His own image, as it was stated in the book of Genesis 1:27 (“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”). This biblical citation does not refer to God being in human form.

Inversely, it indicates that we, as humans, are in the image of Christ in our moral, spiritual and intellectual nature. Apostle Paul lectures us on how we should portray love, being Christ-like, in the first book of Corinthians and chapter thirteen. Let us do a break-down of this passage to acquire a great understanding of love.

(1-2) Love is superior to all spiritual gifts.

“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing”

a)     The word charity in this scripture is a synonym for “love”.

b)    Paul reminds us that even the gift of tongues has no meaning once there is no love. Without love, the gift of tongues is nothing but empty noise.

(3) The most dramatic, selfless acts are profitless if there is no love.

“And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing”

a)     As much as one may voluntarily give away their all without question, they have nothing to gain once they have no love inside of them.

(4-6) Love is long-lasting and is kind. Love is not proud, arrogant, envious, rude, happy with evil doings or any of such.

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth”

a)     If God’s love is in us then we will love everyone, even the undeserving, no matter what. When we show God’s love, it will be portrayed in basic acts of kindness.

b)    Love is not proud - you can work anonymously; not out of a sense of receiving praises.

c)     Love is not arrogant - you shouldn’t get easily angered; be graceful.

d)    Love is not envious - envy put God on the cross (Matthew 27:18 - For he knew that for envy they had delivered him)

e)     Love is not rude - you should show kindness and good manners.

f)     Love is not happy with evil doings - you shouldn’t color things against your relatives.

(7) Love has four sweet companions: powerful, believing, faithful, enduring.

“Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things”

 a)     All things cover everything! Paul could have said “some things”. However, equality is what God expects from us; being unbiased.

 (8-10) Love is permanent. It NEVER fails!

 “Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

 (11-12) Permanence of love cont’d

 “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”

a)     We should gain spiritual maturity as we convert mentally during this journey of salvation.
b)    Paul tells us about the perfect fellowship we will have with Christ one day, if we have love.

 (13) Love abides throughout all generations.

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity”

a) Love is the greatest as it will only grow even in eternity. After we are caught up to meet Him, faith and hope would have already fulfilled their purposes. Paul is trying to tell us that without love as the motive, everything else is meaningless.

 Lead with love.

 By: Sis. Zoe Stewart


A Season of Change

Written by Sis. Renee Edwards

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven”
— Ecclesiastes 3:1

As the sun sets, the world turns and the tides ebb and flow, so are the seasons of change etched into the cosmic design of God’s grand masterpiece. There is something that’s mystifyingly special about seasons. Whether it's defined as the four periods of which a year is divided or the phases of life that transition to different stages, occurrences, and changes, there is no doubt that all are intentional and God’s influence should be acknowledged.


Just as the seasons change where the leaves move from green to red and the wind from warm to cool, so do we embark on transitional journeys that takes us through different changes in life. Our lives are similar to changing seasons. Sometimes we go through a barren winter where the nights seem longer and darkness seem to be our only source. The silence is deafening and in this season of hibernation, life seems purposeless and lonely. These are the times of lack, suffering and waiting. It is in this season that we either become introspective and build a closer relationship with God or get disconnected and throw in the towel. The instabilities in our lives are natural like that of Winter and facing them is inevitable.


Each season of change adds to character development. We learn to adapt, survive, accommodate as well appreciate. Whether it’s the hope and optimism that we feel when we see a rainbow after a rainfall or the happiness and excitement that comes with sunshine in the summer, there are undoubtedly hidden pockets of wisdom tucked away in each gust of wind. 


In the book of Genesis we read about the story of Joseph. We see how instrumental the actions of Joseph’s siblings were and how it allowed God to fulfill his covenant and his promise through a rejected but royal seed. Joseph’s season of winter was in that pit and it continued when he was bought as a slave and then thrown into prison. We then start to see a change in climate, a “projected meteorological shift” when he then found favor even while he was in prison. This shows us that God can cause you to thrive in a toxic environment to activate your season of change. Joseph was hated by his siblings, taken from his family and brought to a strange land not knowing that this was a catalyst to him being a lineage of royalty. Imagine being sold by your very own! Imagine feeding your enemies! What a blessing.


There is an old adage that states “Opportunity is often missed as it dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Many of us miss out on transitional seasons in our lives because we fail to capitalize on the opportunities presented. Joseph realized that his gift as a dreamer and interpreter was the route to his destiny. He could have adapted to his surroundings and become a casualty of his environment but even in his lowly estate, he had the courage to rise above the status quo and maintain his spiritual integrity. In Joseph’s story we see that just as Christ he was first humbled then exalted. Many of us as Christians go through seasons of tragedy, trauma and suffering. It is often in those moments that we are brought to our knees and are positioned to cry out to God in prayer. 


Change can be scary. The fear of the unknown is gut wrenching. As we venture through this journey of life, always remember that God has equipped us with the tools that are required for each season. We have heard many times that “the waiting room is not a punishment”. Whilst waiting for the seasons to change, let us make the preparations for what is ahead trusting that our father in heaven will guide us through each passing seasons of change.

Our Father

Written by Missionary Bruce

Our father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread…
— Matthew 6:9-11

When I think of the Lord’s prayer, the word that pops out to me is the word ‘Father’. This reminds me that although we may have earthly fathers, we have a Father who watches over us and provides us with the tools necessary to develop into the best version of ourselves - if we follow His will that is. He supplies all our needs along with teaching us how to navigate in this world. Today I am going to focus on four things that scripture highlights about being a father.

  1. Your father is your first teacher

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”-Proverbs 22:6

As Christ came to earth to show us the way on how to walk in righteousness, so should an earthly father train their child to do what is right. This scripture explains that when you should teach your child how to behave the right way (the Godly way) and how to follow the Lord’s commandments so that they will not depart from it when they get older. As a father it is important to be your child’s first teacher, to make sure that you are leading them to the truth.

2. A father should be an example

“Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly tables of the heart”- 2 Corinthians 3:3

It is very important for a father to be a great example. A child’s behavior depends on their parents’ ability to not only talk the talk but to walk the walk as well. This will show them that it is possible to do the things that they were taught because they had an example to follow. Jesus not only preached the Word of God but he also lived a life that was exemplary to everything that he spoke about. Continue to be a role model to your children so that they can behave in like manner.

3. A father should not provoke a child

“And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”-Ephesians 6:4

This scripture reminds fathers that they should not make their child(ren) angry on purpose. Just because you are a leader in their life doesn’t mean that you should abuse your power. Your goal should be to nurture and teach your child the right way. This will allow your child to respect you and look to you for help.

4. A father never gives up on their child

Jesus talks about the prodigal son and how the father still accepted his son back into his home after he decided to do his own thing and go into the world. This shows you that this father never gave up or turned his back on his son who was down and out. Instead of throwing his issues in his face, he decided to forgive him and welcome him back with open arms. We should display the same level of forgiveness that God displays to us daily.

Scripture tells us many things on how to be a great father but I wanted to share these four with you. As we celebrate all the great fathers out there, we want to take a special thanks to those who found it necessary to put Christ, the Father of all before themselves in order to be the leader, provider, and protector that God had called them to be. Fathers are very important to the development of a child, and it is such an amazing feeling to have Christ as the head of our lives. God Bless you all!

A Mother's Love

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

She opens her mouth with wisdom and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue
— Proverbs 31:26

AMAZING- She’s a Motivator

   JOY- She is an Outstanding woman of God

PATIENT- She is Tender in every sense of the word

     HAPPY- She is Honorable in all her ways

   SELFLESS- She Encourages you to keep God first

STRONG- She’s your Role model for the way we should grow

A mother’s love is incomparable, and the sacrifice can sometimes seem unbearable. Nurturing us from the womb and feeling loved from the first day she laid eyes on you.

She is driven, she is kind, an unconditional love like this is so hard to find. Her tender care, tender heart and tender touch, makes you feel so warm. When you hear her say everything will be fine, you will have no qualms.

My friend and confidant, she knows my deepest dreams and fears. A shoulder to lean on with a tissue to wipe away every tear.   

Her strength is beyond measure, just like Ruth, she is a woman who should be treasured.

A teacher, because you taught me how to serve and pray. How to love the Lord and to thank him for every single day. You said I was a gift from God, but God gave a gift to me. A mother like you is very special and that’s plain to see.  

We honor our mothers and appreciate you for everything that you do. Role models to us all because we aim to be just like you.

Selfless, because you give so willingly. The fruit of the spirit, you always exhibit to me.

Fantastic, stupendous, are just some words that describes you best, but nothing compares to the way you stand out from the rest.

Encouraging us, in our walk with Christ, reminding us that he paid the ultimate price. Our God is omnipotent, and his word is true. We thank him daily for sending a mother like you.

As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you
— Isaiah 66:13


Written by Sis. Janique Wilson

One of the most precious gift you can receive from God is his grace. It is the free gift from God that he gives to all of mankind. The scripture states in Matthew 5:45: “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” This scripture alone shows you how great and merciful our God is. He allows everyone another chance to see the next day including people that choose not to serve him. He creates opportunities for us to make a change to become children of God.  Having said that, I want to go over a few things to remind us on how important the gift of grace is from God.

for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of ourselves: it is the Gift of God
— Ephesians 2:8

When certain situations happen in our life, we tend to call it luck. However, I am here to remind you that it’s through God’s grace why we overcome obstacles that we face in our daily life. It is because of God’s Grace we can wake up each morning, prosper, and do great things through him. God’s Grace is a precious gift from him to us and we should honor and cherish it because he still gives it to us even though we do not deserve it. We are nothing without Christ.

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace you are saved;) And had raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus
— Ephesians 2:4-5

Keep this in mind - it is by the grace of God why you received that job you have been pursuing, the beautiful home you live in, the car accident you walked out alive from, and the health issue(s) that you were cured from. It’s not by chance but it is God’s grace AND that’s why it’s important to make God the head of our lives and sing praises to unto him because we serve a graceful God.

That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life
— Titus 3:7

When Jesus made himself a living sacrifice, he gave us a second chance to have life and to live it more abundantly. As we continue to spread the good news and to be ambassadors for Christ, we can remind others about the goodness of God and that every breath we take is because of his grace and mercy. We must wake up each day knowing that it is not of our own doing while we are alive and well, so I am encouraging someone to seek him before it is too late. Let us not take this gift from God for granted but let us continue to walk in his Will and under his guidance. This is the only way to live a free and fulfilling life. He more than deserves all the honor and praise. I pray that this message would be a reminder to us all. God Bless you.  

A Season of Love

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails
— 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

The Bible says that God is love and that we as humans crave love from the moment of existence. But the worlds definition of love describes an emotion with vastly differing degrees of intensity.

The Webster dictionary describes love as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. The degrees of love according to the world’s definition vary from relational to brotherly with some stops in between. Four unique forms of love are found in scripture. They are communicated through four Greek words (Eros, Storge, Philia, and Agape) and are characterized by romantic love, family love, brotherly love, and God's divine love. We'll explore these different types of love in the Bible, and, as we do, we'll discover what love truly means and how to follow Jesus Christ's command to "love one another.”

What is Eros Love in the Bible?

Eros (Pronounced: AIR-ohs) is the Greek word for sensual or romantic love. The term originated from the mythological Greek god of love, sexual desire, physical attraction, and physical love, Eros, whose Roman counterpart was Cupid.

Love in the form of Eros seeks its own interest and satisfaction—to possess the object of love. God is very clear in the Bible that eros love is reserved for marriage. Promiscuity of all types was rampant in ancient Greek culture and was one of the obstacles the apostle Paul had to battle when planting churches in the eastern Mediterranean. Paul warned young believers against succumbing to immorality: "So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust." (1 Corinthians 7:8–9)

But within the boundary of marriage, eros love is to be celebrated and enjoyed as beautiful blessing from God: "Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love." (Proverbs 5:18–19; see also Hebrews 13:4; 1 Corinthians 7:5; Ecclesiastes 9:9) Even though the term eros is not found in the Old Testament, Song of Solomon vividly portrays the passion of erotic love.

What is storge Love in the bible?

Storge (Pronounced: STOR-jay) This Greek word describes family love, the affectionate bond that develops naturally between parents and children, and brothers and sisters.

Many examples of family love are found in Scripture, such as the mutual protection among Noah and his wife, the love of Jacob for his sons, and the strong love the sisters Mary and Martha had for their brother Lazarus. An interesting compound word using storge, "philostorgos," is found in  Romans 12:10, which commands believers to "be devoted" to one another with brotherly affection.

Christians are members of God's family. Our lives are knit together by something stronger than physical ties—the bonds of the Spirit. We are related by something more powerful than human blood—the blood of Jesus Christ. God calls his children to love each other with the deep affection of storge love. 

What is Philia Love in the Bible?

Philia (Pronounced: FILL-ee-uh) is the type of intimate love in the Bible that most Christians practice toward each other. This Greek term describes the powerful emotional bond seen in deep friendships.

Philia originates from the Greek term phílos, a noun meaning "beloved, dear, a friend; someone dearly loved (prized) in a personal, intimate way; a trusted confidant held dear in a close bond of personal affection." Philia expresses experience-based love. 

Philia is the most general type of love in scripture - encompassing love for fellow humans - care, respect, and compassion for people in need. The concept of brotherly love that unites believers is unique to Christianity. Jesus said philia would be an identifier of his followers: "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." (John 13:35, NIV)

What is Agape Love in the Bible?

Agape (Pronounced: Uh-GAH-pay) is the highest of the four types of love in the Bible. This term defines God's immeasurable, incomparable love for humankind. It is the divine love that comes from God. Agape love is perfect, unconditional, sacrificial, and pure.

Jesus Christ demonstrated this kind of divine love to his Father and to all humanity in the way he lived and died: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)

Following his resurrection, Jesus asked the apostle Peter if he loved him (agape). Peter replied three times that he did, but the word he used was phileo or brotherly love (John 21:15–19). Peter had not yet received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost; he was incapable of agape love. But after Pentecost, Peter was so full of God's love that he spoke from his heart and 3,000 people were converted.

God has always had a special kind of love for me. Growing up I can remember as a child I was blessed with loving parents and surrounded by a loving and supportive family, friends and even neighbors. I know that sounds cliché to say, but this very thing helped to shape who I am today, and the way that I demonstrate love to others through the way it was taught to me in action. Even though I strayed from the church, he could’ve allowed me to my own demise, but he saved a wretch like me, and allowed me that opportunity to pour into others the way he has always poured into me. Through reading the word I experienced the true Agape love that God has for humanity, but for me in such a profound way that I had to return to the church and surrender my life to him. I am forever grateful for his saving grace and for his mercies that endures forever.

As February is known as the month is love to the world, for the children of God - our season of love is endless. Love is one of the most powerful emotions humans can experience. For Christian believers, love is the truest test of genuine faith. Throughout the Bible, we discover how to experience love in its many forms and to share it with others as God intended. God bless you in this season of love.

A New Year and New Mind

Written by Missionary Bruce

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
— Romans 12:2

When we think of the new year, we think about our resolutions and the changes that we want to make, or new routines that we want to build or even re-build. However, as a Christian, we understand that each day is a new day to be a better version of ourselves in Christ - to draw closer to God and to allow Him to renew our minds while equipping us with the necessary skills to navigate in this world so we can be in His will.

As we embark into the unknown and into this new year, we must focus on God’s promises and allow Him to renew our minds in Him.

Below highlights two out of the numerous ways we can allow God to renew our minds.

  1. Meditate on the Word of God

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
— Joshua 1:8

The Word of God is our guide in this world. The Word teaches us how to respond and how to behave. It teaches us how to understand who God is and what He needs from us as believers. If you continue to meditate on God’s word day and night, it will transform your way of thinking. Reading the bible allows us to get a better understanding of how to deal with certain situations. For example, when we are weak, we must remember that God is our strength. When we feel alone, we must remember that he said He will not leave nor forsake us. When we are not feeling well, we must remember He said that He will heal and restore us. Focusing on God’s Word will build up our spiritual man and allow us to encourage others. Knowing that we have a God who is the author and finisher of our faith gives us the confidence to make wise decisions.

2. Pay attention to the things we consume

It is very important that we pay attention to the things and people that we listen to and the things that we watch. What we put in our minds will begin to transform the way that we think. If we continue to watch horror films and scary movies, we will be filled with fear. When we continue to listen to gossip, we will begin to gossip like others. When we listen to complainers, you will begin to complain. All this will be done subconsciously – we won’t be aware of the change! We must be mindful and intentional with our time and who we spend it with. Sometimes, we must put down the phone, turn off the television, and allow ourselves to be consumed with what God has to say. Instead of watching a movie, we can listen to a sermon. Instead of listening to gossip, we can listen to worship music. Instead of listening to people and their negative emotions, we must pray.

 The mind is a powerful weapon. It controls our motives and actions. It is important to be aware of what goes into our minds which is why it is important to continue to meditate on the Word of God. It is the only thing that will keep our minds from being consumed with the issues of life and the things of the world. As we head into the new year, let us focus on strengthening our minds so that when the enemy tries to attack us, we will remember who we are in Christ and be able to fight. We will be able to respond wisely and not allow the enemy to get the best out of our emotions. Life is filled with so many ups and downs, but it is important for us to continue to be sober minded and rise above the storms. It may not be easy at time, but as Matthew 19:26 states: “…with God all things are possible.” We have already won so let’s all put on the whole armor of God! As in the words of Pastor Williams, let us all “fight to the finish!”

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
— Ephesians 6: 11-12

A season of Thanksgiving

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
— 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Thanksgiving is a time of praise and celebration for all the gifts and blessings God gave us. The bible is full of thanksgiving stories telling us to be appreciative of what we have. After all, contentment and gratitude have always been part of the Lord’s teachings. During this upcoming holiday, its important to reflect on what truly matters. Using the Word as our guide, let’s go back to the true essence of Thanksgiving. Let’s rejoice in the blessings of a fruitful harvest because of the love and kindness of our Creator. One of the best things about thankfulness is that the more you choose it, the easier it gets. The more you profess gratitude, the more you notice things to be grateful for. There are various scriptures in the bible that document individuals who showed signs of gratitude towards God. Gratitude for his mercy, his healing, his goodness which all reign forever.

Paul gave thanks in the middle of a storm. (Acts 27)

This event in Acts 27 reads like a modern-day action adventure. Paul had been imprisoned and was put on a ship for Rome under Roman guard. The ship was soon caught in a violent hurricane. The crew first tried to hold the ship together by using ropes underneath, then they threw cargo overboard to lighten the ship. By the 14th day when they’d seen neither sun nor stars, “They gave up all hope of being saved.”Later that night, an angel of the Lord appeared to Paul assuring him no one would die. The storm raged on and the ship looked like it would be dashed against rocks. They dropped four anchors and prayed for daylight. No one had eaten for 14 days, and just before sunrise, Paul urged everyone to eat to regain strength. Throughout the storm, Paul took bread, gave thanks to God before the entire ship, broke the bread and distributed it. The next day, all 276 lives aboard made it safely to shore. If Paul gave thanks not after the storm had passed, but right in the midst, then we can give thanks in our storm as well. 

David gave thanks to God for his kingdom (2 Sam 22)

Before becoming king of Israel, David was a wanted man. The current king, king Saul was threatened by David’s popularity with the people, and thus, hunted David across the countryside. However, God delivered David from Saul, and all his enemies. In addition, made David the king of Israel. Under David’s leadership, Israel’s influence expanded greatly. David became a high king, with the surrounding nations acknowledging him as their ruler. After Saul’s death, David sings a song of praise to God, which includes this line near the end:

“You exalted me above my foes; from a violent man you rescued me. Therefore I will praise you, LORD, among the nations”

2 Sam 22:49-50

I remember when we were tested in October of 2021. One minute everything was going well and the next minute, everything started unravelling day by day. To what seemed like a nightmare, grew more and more each day. This was a test from God on my husband and I faith. What we didn’t know was where God was taking us during this period of test. While we were sick, my husband grew sicker by what seemed by the hour, we tried every home-made remedy, and nothing seemed to be working. As I look back - recounting the days and nights of toiling and prayers that went up for healing, we didn’t know that this was all in preparation for the next level of what is to come. The entire church was on one accord, and each day we petitioned and wired heaven, God heard us, and he answered just in time. He did not forsake us, and we will continue to do his work till the end. My gratitude and faith have risen to another level, and I cannot be anymore thankful and grateful to God for his awesome power and reminder that he is the great I AM.

These are some reminders of how God’s goodness and faithfulness towards his people, will leave us no choice but to be grateful and show gratitude. Gratitude to the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. In this season of Thanksgiving, let us be reminded to be thankful through the good times and the bad times. The storms will come and pass in our lives. Through it all do not lose sight of the spirit of thanks and gratitude we should have for God.

 God bless you all!


Written by Missionary Bruce

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
— Romans 12: 2

One thing I’ve learned about this Christian walk is that we really must take the opportunity to regularly ‘self-audit’ ourselves and work on the areas where we fall short. It may be easier to look at what everyone is doing around you, but it is necessary for us to take a close look at ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to clean up the areas in our lives that are lacking. Today, I will be focusing on three scriptures that shows you how important it is to self-audit. Looking in the mirror will allow you to see yourself and identify what the issues are that may be holding you back from growing spiritually in Christ.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
— James 1:22

It may be easy to attend church services, listen to sermons, and to read the bible but it is important that we be doers of the Word of God. For example, when God tells us to forgive, do we truly forgive? When he tells us to have faith, do we trust in God completely that he will come through for us? We must ask ourselves these questions daily to ensure that we are trying our best to do the Will of God. We are supposed to be examples who allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. The only way to truly live out the complete Will of God is by demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit in our actions. For example, if you are someone that lacks patience, try your best to remain calm in situations that would usually upset you. If we listen to the Word of God and then do the opposite to what we’ve heard and learned, then we are only deceiving ourselves.

Examine yourself, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
— 2 Corinthians 13:5

The definition of the word ‘examine’ is to inspect in detail to determine their nature or condition; to investigate thoroughly. In this scripture, Paul mentions the important of self-examination.

We must locate the areas that may be holding us back.  If we do not see ourselves then how can we work on anything? If we think nothing is wrong with us, then we will be open to the devices of the enemy. We have to recognize that God is working on all of us and it is important to allow the Holy Spirit to clean up our ways.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considereth not the beam that is in thine own eye?
— Matthew 7:3

In this scripture, Jesus is talking about people who are so quick to highlight the shortcomings of others but won’t see their own issues. It may be easy to examine others and see where they come up short, but it is important to recognize the areas that we need to work on. This is the only way we can overcome temptations. Once again, it is very important for us as believers that we check ourselves. Let us make sure that our hearts and minds are ready to fully embody this walk that we decided to take when we received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He shows us the way. We can do all things through him because he is the one that strengthen us. We are not in this alone!  He is here to help guide us, but we must be willing to put in the effort. Let us all continue to work on ourselves so that when it is all said and done, our heavenly Father will look at us and say “well done, my good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21.

 God Bless you all.

How to remain in peace

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
— Philippians 4:7

The Webster dictionary defines the word Peace as: “Freedom from disturbance which equals Tranquility”

Many people within todays society tend to investigate the many ways, and avenues that are available to find peace. Some find peace in animals, some in nature, some in material things i.e.:” Retail Therapy”, and others in recreational activities. However, when it comes to our spiritual walk with Christ, true peace can only be found with Christ Jesus. Here are some helpful tips that can assist you with finding peace on your journey.


Prayer is an open line of communication with God. Prayer is one of the key components in growing your spiritual relationship with God. Paul reminds us that when we pray, we should pray specifically about our needs, and to pray earnestly for God’s will to be done in our life. 1 John 5: 14-15. In the book of Mathew, Jesus says “Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself” Mathew 6:34. Jesus is telling us to seek him in prayer and to leave all worries to him, releasing all fears and concerns will lead you to the peace that you seek within.

Reading & Applying

Reading the Word of God and applying it to your life is essential to retaining inner peace. Reading the word daily is a form of mediation to continuously feed your soul and spirit-man. 2 Timothy 3:16 informs us that all scripture is given to us by God. If we follow the instructions thoroughly, we will leave very little room for the enemy to intrude and create inner turmoil. The bible equips us with all the tools to live a life of righteousness, one that is pleasing to God. When you keep in mind the Word of God and apply it to your daily life, you will remain in peace. You will have mastered the art of trusting him, removing fear, worry, and doubt and staying obedient to his will for your life. There are many scriptures that encourage us to rely not on our own knowledge, but to trust in the word of the Lord including Romans 15:4, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105. We should apply and read our Bibles diligently to increase our trust that God’s Will is best for us.


“He shall have a song as in the night, when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty one of Israel” Isaiah 30:29. Worship music is another way to retain peace within. Whenever I am having a hectic day, I often resort to my worship music to keep my mind at peace. This method helps me to remain still, all while receiving spiritual encouragement through the message of the songs that carries me throughout my day. So much so, I now routinely start my mornings at the office with worship songs of praises to the most-high God. This form of worship is a constant engagement with God.


“Fasting is the deliberate abstinence from the physical gratification in order to achieve a spiritual goal” -Dr. Tony Evans. In other words, a denial of the flesh in order to gain a response from the spirit. Fasting is a way to get closer to God, to understand his will for your life. When we fast, we are desperate to make our voice heard on high. We increase our intimacy with God, with the hope that we will hear from him directly. This sacrifice is a way to show that we want to seek him and his divine will for our lives.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do and the God of peace shall be with you.
— Philippians 4:8-9

It's your season; wait your turn

Written by Evangelist Shanika Bryan

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To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
— Ecclesiastes 3:1

In Jamaica, mango season begins around April or May and ends around July. There are several variety of mango trees including: Black or “Blackie”, East Indian, Julie or “St. Julien”, Number 11, Robin, and “Sweetie Come Brush Me”. They all blossom in the same season. However, they each have their own "turn" to bear fruit. Just like the mango tree, we all have our harvest season. Some may yield early; and others may yield later but they are still within the season. It doesn’t matter how long it may take because every fruit will have it’s time to ripe.

Whenever the word “season” comes to mind, many people may think of the change in climate (spring, summer, autumn and winter). However, seasons in our life do not necessarily mean 3-month increments. Some seasons tend to overlap; thus, we might experience shorter warm days than winter days but that doesn't mean the season has not ended.

 God's timing, not mine. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

One of the most challenging parts of being a Christian is trusting God’s timing. If you’re like me, you get tripped up on that far more often than you’d like to admit. There are many times in our lives when we wish things would move along a little more quickly. Perhaps, we are in a difficult season, and we just want it to be over as soon as possible. However, time is never meaningless for God and if we try to jump ahead, we may not learn the lessons that will benefit us in the season to come.

 God's will, not mine. (Matthew 6:10)

When Jesus gave the disciples the pattern of prayer, he taught them to pray for God's sovereign rule:

"Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10 NIV)

While we might be going through our season, God's will should always be considered.  When we pray we need to pray for God’s will to transpire in our lives, just as His will always works in Heaven. This means we must surrender our own wants and desires to fully follow God’s will.

 God's plan, not mine. (Jeremiah 29:11)

According to the theologian, 20th century Swiss pastor and professor, Karl Barth states, “we need to let God’s plan be executed, to let it come to pass, for to God belong the plan and its execution.” Here is the big question for all of us today: Are we willing to pray such a prayer? Are we willing to tell God that we want to follow his plans for our life, whatever they may be, rather than our own? This is one of the scariest and seemingly disorienting prayers we can pray. And yet, it is among the most important prayers for us to pray. It is us saying that we entrust our lives to the creator, sustainer, and savior of the universe, knowing that His plans are so much greater and mightier than ours.

 God's glory, not mine.

We must remember that everything belongs to him and everything in our life as believers should ultimately give him the glory. I understand that waiting on your Godly spouse, waiting for circumstances to change, waiting on something to be completed or waiting on your purpose can be difficult, however, I just want to remind you that you CAN get through this season; wait your turn. God has not forgotten you!

God Bless you all!

A Father's Love

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
— John 3:16

Fathers play a vital role in shaping how their children see the world and to help them understand right from wrong. Throughout the bible, the roles of fathers are extremely important. The bible instructs us on the way in which we should bring up a child. Additionally, fathers are tasked with the responsibility to instill in their children, the importance of having a relationship with God.

The love that our heavenly father has for us was set in place before the foundation of the world. There is nothing we can do to change the unconditional love God has for us, however, through our sinful ways without repentance, we can fall out of grace with God.

Through Jesus Christ we are made holy and blameless; through his shed blood on Calvary, we are cleansed, and his Spirit works in the life of every believer to become more like him.

What is love? Webster defines love as: “A strong affection for another, or the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration.” Paul’s definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 states that love is patient, love is kind, love is not envious nor boastful, proud, nor rude, love is not selfish or quick tempered, it does not keep a record of wrongdoing of others. Love believes all things, endures all things, love rejoices in the truth but not in evil. God loves you just the way you are, you did not have to work, or impress him to earn his love. For you could never earn his love through your own works, but through His grace he chose to love you. (1 John 3:1).

As explained in the book of Genesis, God made man just a little lower than the angels, when he formed the first man Adam from the dust of the earth. God was so pleased with man that he would come down in the cool of the day to commune with man, but the wicked one, the devil, beguiled the woman, hence, caused mankind to sin. God shows his fatherly love himself by coming as the second Adam to redeem his children (mankind) from sin.

There are many renowned men that are of integrity throughout the bible, that the men of today can emulate. They were an illustration of fatherly love, for ex. Abraham who was dubbed the father of many nations and was considered righteous for his faithfulness and obedience (James 2:23-24).

Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Father, our headship, our banner, our savior, our redeemer, our friend - based on his love for mankind, died a cruel death to redeem mankind unto himself. What Love! What wondrous Love, that God would love sinners such as us. How wonderful is such a love like this!

As we celebrate and appreciate our earthly fathers, let us never forget our heavenly father who sacrificed himself for us.

God Bless you all! Happy Father’s Day!

Strength of a virtuous woman

Written by Sis. Stacy-Ann Wilson

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Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, shall be praised.
— Proverbs 31:30

In the bible we see that the role of a woman is vital to the will of God.

The bible records a few women in leadership positions. God chooses leaders by his standards and not our own. Hence, we learn of God’s faithfulness to show honor and favor onto certain women who were selected to carry out his will. God chose Deborah to lead the children of Israel; she was a prophetess and a judge as well as a mediator, advisor, and a counselor. Esther was shown favor by God to be chosen as a queen so that she would courageously lead God’s people out of the evil plan of Haman. Ruth was faithful in all her ways and trusted in the Lord.  


Deborah’s story shows that she was not power hungry and wanted to serve God. Whenever praise came her way, she was humble and would give God all the glory. (Judges 5:5-11). She did not deny or resist her position in the culture as a woman or a wife, but she never allowed her responsibilities to hinder her relationship with God. She reminds us of the need to be available both to God and to others, encourages us to spend our efforts on what we can do rather than worrying about what we cannot do. Deborah challenges us to be wise leaders by demonstrating what can be accomplished when God is in control. (Judges 4:4-24)


Esther was another profound woman in the bible that was selected by God. He granted her favor through king Ahasuerus to be the next queen of Persia. She was chosen to ultimately intercede on behalf of the Jews that was set for extermination by the evil plan of Haman; the descendant of King Agag, an enemy of the Jews. (Esther 3:1-15). The book of Esther shows examples of God’s divine guidance and care over our lives. With God in control, we can be courageous. He can guide us through the circumstances we face in our lives. He can save us from the evil of this world and deliver us from sin and death. We are not to fear what people may do to us; instead, we are to be confident in God’s control.  Esther obtained favor from God, through the revealing of the plan to Mordecai of Haman’s plan to execute the Jews. She was strategic, caring, compassionate and loyal to her people. Esther exhibited great intelligence, using the favor in which she had with the King to request that her people be set free, even at the cost of her own life. (Esther 7:1-10).


Now unto our dear Ruth, the wife of Boaz. Ruth’s life was guided by faithfulness toward God, and this showed by loyalty toward the people she knew. To be loyal and loving in relationships, we must imitate God’s faithfulness in our relationships with others. God’s kindness should motivate us to love and honor him. When we experience God’s faithfulness, we should respond by showing integrity. The values by which Ruth and Boaz lived were in sharp contrast to those of the culture portrayed in the bible. In the same manner, our lives should stand out from the world around us. Ruth showed high moral character by being loyal to Naomi, her mother-in-law by her clean break from her former land and customs and by her hard work in the fields. We tend to think of blessings in terms of prosperity rather than the high-quality relationships God makes possible for us. Ruth’s life exhibited admirable qualities; she was hard-working, loving, kind, faithful, and brave. These qualities gained her a good reputation, but only because she displayed them consistently in all areas of her life. Ruth was a great example of God-honoring character and kindness toward others.

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
— Proverbs 31:10

As we celebrate women, especially mothers in the month of May, Deborah, Esther, and Ruth are just a few examples of great women throughout the Bible. Proverbs has a lot to say about women. Some people perceives that the ideal woman in the Bible is retiring, submissive, and entirely domestic. Not so! These women are excellent wives and mothers, women of strong character, great wisdom, many skills, and great compassion. Their strength and dignity do not come from their amazing achievements; however, they are a result of their reverence for God. The famous scripture - Proverbs 31 - expresses traits of an outstanding woman. Alternatively, this scripture is probably not about one woman at all. This may be a composite portrait of ideal womanhood. We should not acknowledge this as a model to imitate in every detail, instead we should see this as an inspiration to be the best you can be. These qualities coupled with the fear of God will lead to joy, success, honor, and self-worth. This shows us how to become wise, make good decisions, and live according to God’s will.

This is an illustration of God’s deep love and appreciation for a virtuous woman.