Contentment: Freedom in Christ

4 ways to practice contentment

Written by Missionary Bruce

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Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state that I am, therewith to be content.
— Philippians 4:11

One of the joys of being a follower of Christ is that he is your comforter and will lead you into all truth. In a society that requires so much of our time and attention, it is so easy to get caught up in the things of the world. The plans of the enemy are to steal, kill, and destroy. In addition, one of his plans is to take away peace from God’s people. He wants us to be worried and filled with so much anxiety. However, we have a God that will take away all of our troubles if we place our trust in him. Today, I will share with you four ways to practice contentment in your life.

PRACTICE GRATITUDE - “Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6

 It is impossible to develop contentment without being grateful. A grateful person focuses on the things that they have and not the things that they lack. Take a moment to look around, focus on all of the things that God has blessed you with. Focus on where God has brought you from. Take a deep breath and recognize that you have been given another opportunity in the land of the living, and that if you trust in the Lord, all things will be added on to you.

CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” Isaiah 26:3

As a believer, it is important to develop a mind like Christ. As soon as you wake up, talk to God, read a scripture that will keep your mind focus on him. Focus on his words and allow it to consume your entire being. The enemy wants your mind to be focused on things of the world; however, allow the holy spirit to control your thoughts. Recognize that you have the choice to rely on the promises of God when he said that he will keep those in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him.

DON’T COMPARE YOUR LIFE TO OTHERS: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and become content with such things ye have; for he saith, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5

It is so easy to compare your life with others and wonder why certain things aren’t happening for you. Sometimes, you may feel that some people that are in the world are flourishing or may have more than you but God said that he will never leave you nor forsake you. When you feel down, remember the servants of God in the holy scriptures. Joseph was sold by his own brothers into slavery. However, Joseph became an important person in the kingdom and was able to be a help to his family. Your journey may not look like someone else’s but trust God’s process.

HELP OTHERS: “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you” John 15:12

Another great way to practice contentment is to be a help to others. God has called us to love one another, and a way to show love is by helping one another. You can help others by giving them encouraging words, comforting them in hard times, being there for them in their ups and downs. The more you help others, you will realize just how valuable you are. Your knowledge, skills, and talents can be a blessing to others. This will allow you to recognize all of the gifts that God has already given you to make a difference in the world.

Practicing contentment will allow you to recognize that living in the present moment is all that we have. Remember, we can make plans but God is the one that direct our steps. Be grateful, change your mindset, don’t compare yourself to others, and continue to be a help to your neighbors and you will experience the peace that God leaves with those who put their trust in him.

 God Bless you.  

The art of forgiveness

3 ways to understand the importance of forgiveness

Written by Missionary-Elect Bruce


“But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses.” Matt. 6:15

What is forgiveness? Psychologist generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or a group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserved your forgiveness.

Forgiving someone is essential for spiritual growth. It is something that many people find hard to do. However, as believers we are called to forgive. Unforgiveness leads to resentment, bitterness, and a vengeful heart. Forgiving someone is not only for the other person but it is for you. Once you release that person, you will be able to live in freedom.  There were times when I felt resentment towards someone who caused me harm and it only produced negative emotions that left me feeling drained and upset. However, once I gave my life over to God and learned that we must forgive, I was able to release those negative emotions and it allowed me to think more clearly and extend grace to those that caused me pain. Below are 3 things I understood once I made the conscious effort to forgive. 

Meditate on the Word of God

1.     Understand God’s forgiveness for us by meditating on his word.

Jesus showed the greatest act of forgiveness when he made the ultimate sacrifice to die for our sins. Although people ridiculed him, cursed him, hurt him, and said awful things to him, he still made the decision to give us a chance - a hope through him.

Think about some of the things you have done, how would it feel if God did not forgive you? His mercy is new every day. By understanding this, it will allow us to have empathy for others. We will start to see people intentions for what they truly are. We would understand that “hurt people hurt people.” Hurt people hurt people because they themselves have been hurt. However, as as children of light, we must let go of that toxic behavior pattern and be an example to others.

 Character Development

2.     Understand that forgiveness is more about you than the other person.

 Your initial reaction may be to seek revenge but the truth is, sometimes you may never get the chance to get that revenge so instead, you hold on to what they did to you. Yes, they were wrong, caused you pain, betrayed you, violated you, walked all over you, but we have a God that reminds us that vengeance is his.

We have a God that see and knows everything. We have a fair and righteous judge. We must let go of the need to control the matter. Once we recognize that God will lead and direct our steps, you must release the person from your mind that hurt you. Unforgiveness leads to negative emotions. It blocks your heart from truly surrendering and it stops you from receiving fully. Don’t get me wrong, forgiveness will take time but you can do it with the help of the holy spirit that God has sent for you. He will lead you into all truth, and he will comfort you. You may not forget what that person has done to you but once you release them from your mental, you will be able to see things clearer. They will no longer hold your mind in bondage. The enemy wants us to dwell on things that will tear us down, you must fight the negative emotions and forgive.

You are a living Testimony

3.     Understand that we are called to be a living testimony for Christ.

  “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” 1 Pet. 3:15.

We live in a broken world where the devil is seeking whom he may devour. This walk is a constant battle so there will be times when things don’t always go the way we want it. People will hurt you, they will try their best to destroy you, but remember the God that we serve. Let something that the enemy tried to use to be your downfall, be your testimony. Rise above the attack of the enemy. Don’t allow him to steal your joy, and your peace. Forgiving someone will make you a stronger person. It will put you in a position to encourage someone else, to lift up someone else who wants to give up.

The Word of God says that if we don’t forgive others, he will not forgive us. It is very important as believers to release those negative emotions that comes with unforgiveness. Release yourself from this bondage. It is the plan of the enemy to bring us down, but it is God’s plan is to lift us up higher.

God Bless you all.